Sunday, February 14, 2010

Pilsner is bottled

My pilsner is bottled and should be ready to drink in about two to three weeks. The tasting out of the gravity sampler was promising. Hopefully it is good so I can keep making lagers and pilsners. It is gonna be around a 5% abv with about 48 ibu. The color is a really crisp orangish yellow. SF Brewcraft people are extremely helpful and they thankfully let me know about diacytel rest which I hope I did enough of. This is the step that gets a lot of the buttery flavors out of your lager when you bring the beer fermenting back up to closer to room temp for a day or two to get the yeast working hard again. After this you transfer to your secondary fermenter and lager for about a month and a half at 38˚ F. I followed all these steps so it should turn out tasting like a pilsner but only time will tell.

So I kind of decided to do a redux of my first beer in my next brewing session but I'm thinking I might try a wheat beer this time around so that I can see if I like it and redo that for summer consumption. I have a week to decide.

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